Quick Look Comparison Data

As I complete the write-up, here is some quick data to quench everyone’s thirst for information :-). These roasts featured in the comparison represent the roasts that went into the blends. For Iterations 1,2,4,5, there were three roasts, each blended to make enough coffee to distribute to everyone. For the 3rd Iteration, I did smaller batches, so I needed to roast four batches to meet needs. In the individual write-ups for each set, I will show all the roast data for each roast.

Rob Hoos

Rob Hoos is a leading coffee roasting consultant, educator, and author of Modulating the Flavor Profile of Coffee: One Roaster's Manifesto. As the founder of Iteration.Coffee, and Hoos Coffee Consulting Rob is dedicated to helping coffee professionals and enthusiasts alike explore the art and science of coffee roasting through data-driven experimentation. Known for his open-minded approach and technical expertise, Rob’s unique methods push the boundaries of flavor development, making him a trusted resource in the global specialty coffee community. His online courses and classes offer valuable insights into the intricacies of roasting, all while embodying the spirit of continuous learning and innovation.


Iteration 1:

