
From LaReb



I’m long overdue buying a coffee from LaReb. Herbert and I have been talking back and forth for years, and I’ve sampled his coffees many times. I wanted to buy some of his coffees for Nossa, but it didn’t work out due to inventory on our end. Anyway, though I only purchased 2 half-bags I am excited to finally have this coffee in house.

Name: Orlando Sanchez - Tabi

Location: Palestina, Huila (Southern Huila)

Altitude: 1650 MASL

Processing: Washed

Drying: Greenhouse

Soil type: Volcanic 

Predominant Varietal: Tabi

Harvest: May 2021

Processing Notes: Fully Washed Process, Overripe picking, 12 h in-husk resting, 48 h open dry mass fermentation. Greenhouse drying during 15 days.

Cup Score: 86.5 on initial evaluation

8.5 | 8/8 | 8+/8=/8 | 10/10/10 | 8

  • Fruits

    juicy persimmon, citrus

  • Floral

    citrus blossom

  • Sweetness

    candied, sweet, jammy